WASP HK 黃蜂香港

Innovation Always 創新.從未落後

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GoSwap 黃蜂租車

With our self-developed mobile application. Cars can be booked on the app anytime, customers can then pick up the car at our collection point. 擁有自家研發的手機應用程式,

WASP Group businesses include WASP HYBRID, which focuses on R&D of hybrid vehicle batteries, WASP HK, private car rental service with a mobile application platform, smart AI car park brand Parking Bees, and car care brand with social employment.

黃蜂租車提供多款不同類型低油耗的混能車, 並配合業務之間的協同優勢, 旗下混能車隊全數使用集團研發的 WASP HYBRID 的混能車電池, 為用戶提供慳油及可靠的代步選項。 用戶租車費用已涵蓋牌費、保險、 保養維修、緊急支援等服務, 讓客戶安枕無憂。 黃蜂租車亦是本港政府認可物流供應商, 質量和價錢深受廣泛認同。



WASP HYBRID focuses on research and development, application and promotion of hybrid car battery technology, as well as car related businesses. In 2020, a main battery for hybrid cars is launched with design patents 專注於混能車電池技術的

WASP Hybrid is the first hybrid OBM brand in Asia, tested in designated laboratories, and is certified under international safety standard IEC 62133. It is compatible with multiple private hybrid cars in Hong Kong.
With longer battery life, all-rounded warranty, affordable price, it can also be replaced easily, making it a breakthrough product in the traditional market. We believe that competition pushes us to grow ever further and improves our service.

WASP HYBRID 於香港、中國大陸、台灣三地取得設計專利,是首個亞洲OBM混能車電池品牌。產品經由指定實驗室測試,並榮獲國際安全認證機構 IEC 62133 認可。


AI Parking Bees AI Parking Bees

AI Parking Bees adopts a fully intelligent license plate recognition system, and there is no need to tap a card to enter the gate. It can achieve 24-hour unmanned management, and provide car owners with hourly rental services for multiple private parking spaces. 採用全智能車牌識別系統,

The system recognises car plates with AI technology, it recognises and record car plates when it enters our car parks, making entry automatic and cardless. When the car leaves, the system can recognise the plate and calculate the parking duration, drivers can pay with a tap of their Octopus, achieving 24-hour unmanned traffic management.

AI Parking Bees 透過人工智能識別車牌,車輛入閘時將會透過鏡頭識別車牌並記錄在數據庫中,入閘時無需拍卡自動放行入場。車輛離開時系統將自動識別車牌,並透過數據庫計算出入場時間,司機只需出閘使用八達通繳費即可離開,達到二十四小時全智能無人管理。


Mr. Wrapper Mr.Wrapper

A car care center co-operated by Wasp Hong Kong, Lau Cheuk Yin Charitable Fund and The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association, provides professional car care, coating and PPF filming for the disabled. 由黃蜂香港、劉卓然慈善基金及唐氏綜合症協會三方攜手合作,為車主提供PPF車漆保護膜和鍍膜服務

An officially certified service provider of Gyeon in Hong Kong. Mr Wrapper 是獲Gyeon官方認證的香港區施工商

Mr. Wrapper, a car care center co-operated by Wasp Hong Kong and Lau Cheuk Yin Charitable Fund, is a social enterprise that provides professional training in car care, coating and filming for the disabled.
Mr. Wrapper hopes to let the public know that people with disabilities can play an important role in society just like us - we focus on creating more training and employment opportunities, so that more customers who use the service can realize that people with disabilities play an important role in car beauty Professional technology, personally feel this most intimate diaphragm.

貼膜份子是一間致力參與NGO 社會服務計劃的社會企業,與唐氏綜合症等協會攜手為殘疾及復康人士提供專業汽車護理培訓及就業機會。

Environmental protection and Ecosystem 環保及

The WASP Group is committed to environmental protection, ecological environment conservation and support. In the context of increasingly serious greenhouse gas and carbon emissions, nowadays many countries all over the world have set a target to stop the sale of gasoline vehicles. For example, the United Kingdom decides to end the sale by 2030, while the Japanese government plans to implement in the mid-2030s. Recent news suggests that Hong Kong government intends to suspend the sale of gasoline private cars in 2040, in order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

The popularisation of hybrid-electric vehicles and electric vehicles will be a major trend in the future. The WASP Hybrid Group will continue to develop patented technologies on hybrid-electric and electric vehicle batteries, improve battery durability and sustainability, and support more models of vehicles. The Group will, at the same time, offer battery discounts and additional maintenance in cooperation with different car dealers to promote the use of hybrid-electric vehicles and electric vehicles, as contribution to the planet.

The recycling of all our batteries will also be properly handled, in accordance with law to reduce the battery damage to the environment.

黃蜂香港致力於環保及生態環境保育及支援,在溫室氣體及碳排放日益嚴重的情況下,現時全球多國都定下停售汽油車的目標,如英國目標年份為2030年,而日本就擬於2030年代中執行。最近消息指政府有意在2040年停售汽油私家車,以實現2050 年前達到碳中和的目標。

混能車及電動車普及將是未來大趨勢,黃蜂香港將在混能及電動車之電池上繼續研發專利技術,在電池之耐用性及持續性加以改善,並支持更多型號之車種。 同時集團跟不同車行商戶亦會合作提供電池折扣及額外保養推廣混能車及電動車之使用,為地球盡一分力。


Community Care 社區關懷

Born and grown in Hong Kong, the WASP Group is based in Hong Kong and is obliged to contribute to this place. The Group uses Hong Kong as its base of operations to create more job opportunities and provide the R&D team with development resources to nurture local energy technology talents. We have reached a cooperation agreement with the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association to provide vocational training and practice for people with Down Syndrome, in hope of promoting social inclusion and establishing interpersonal connections. Handicrafts made by people with Down Syndrome will be sold and comprehensive fundraising campaigns will be launched with the aim of providing as much resources as possible to the recipients.

In addition to cash donations, the WASP Group is of the belief that teaching someone how to fish is better than simply giving them fish. The Group endeavours to offer opportunities and subsidies for the disadvantaged groups throughout the business. At present, positions of offices and fleets cleaning are preferred to be held by the disadvantaged.

At the same time, the Group arranges vacant fleets to provide pick-up services for people with Down Syndrome every week, making it easier for them to go for further studies and follow-up consultations. At present, the Group is providing an average of eight pick-up services per week. After the expansion of the group's fleets, there would be more support and a greater coverage on organizations in need.

The Group is also committed to engaging employees in participation of volunteer services. The Group has a dedicated volunteer team that provides volunteer services to people with Down Syndrome from time to time. Employees' service hours are also well-commended, subsidised and rewarded. We want to make a meaningful contribution to our society even after work.

生於斯,長於斯,黃蜂香港以香港為本,有義務為這地方貢獻,集團以香港為基地提供更多就業,為研發團隊提供開發資源令香港能源技術人才得以提升,我們與香港唐氏綜合症協會達成合作協議,為唐氏人士提供職業培訓及實踐,教導學員汽車 PPF 貼膜及專業汽車鍍膜等工作。希望令更多唐氏患者得以重投社會,建立更多人與人之間的聯繫,同時亦會銷售特殊人士製作之工藝品,以及全天候之捐款計劃,為患者提供更多資源。


同時集團每星期也會安排空置車隊為唐氏人士提供接送服務,讓他們更方便前往進修及覆診,現時我們每月接送服務平均達 70 架次,在集團車隊擴展後,我們將會提供更多的支援,並覆蓋更多需協助之機構。


Working Environment 工作環境

Employees are the most important asset to the company. We uphold the people-oriented principle to provide employees with a pleasant working environment and offer help in promotion and personal development.

The WASP Group office is an open working environment. Employees can work, conduct interviews and hold meetings in different places within the company. Compared with traditional working atmosphere, we pay more attention to our employees' creativity, concentration, and balance between work and rest. The company structure is simple. Employees can give full play to their strengths and structure the development of the Group together.

In addition, the Group encourages employees to contribute to society, and provides relevant support and resources for employees participating in volunteer services. Employees enjoy extra employee benefits other than statutory holidays, so that they can have more time to develop themselves, accompany their loved ones and plan for the future.


